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Rod Coyne - Art Exhibitions

Rod Coyne - At the Hook

"DIF2 - Irish Landscapes"
Paintings by Rod Coyne and Photography by Jost Hiller
27th-29th Sep
tember 2013, Düsseldorf

Rod Coyne - Skellig Brothers

ROD COYNE "Skellig Brothers"
Opening by Anthony Keane
10th March 2011 at Urban Retreat Gallery

Rod Coyne

Opening by Writer Sebastian Barry
30th April 2009 at Origin Gallery

Rod Coyne Portrait of Phil Lynnott

"Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy"
Art & Photographic Exhibition

at Riverside Gallery, Arklow
27th April - 8th May 2009

Rod Coyne - Mist and Reality 2008

"Mist and Reality"
Solo Show at Dalkey Arts Gallery
22th May - 14th June 2008

Rod Coyne Origin Show 2007

"Kerry Dawn, Wicklow Dusk"
Solo Show at the Origin Gallery
17th May - 30th June 2007

Rod Coyne - Atmospherics

Solo Show at Dalkey Arts Gallery
18th May - 3rd June 2006

Rod Coyne - Sea Area Forecast 2005

"Sea Area Forecast"
Solo Show at the Origin Gallery
4th -28th April 2005

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